Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Elizabeth's New Favourite Face

A couple of days ago Elizabeth started pulling this face, she scrunches up her nose and draws up her top lip and breathes quickly (I know you are all trying it hehe). She has been doing this to show her displeasure of a situation and sometimes just because she enjoys it. We are trying not to encourage it, but boy is she hilarious!!! I'm not sure the pictures really do the face justice, but I think you will get the picture. Please tell us, is this a normal baby face, did your babies make funny faces like this?
Happy playing...
And wham, that nose starts to come up...
Such a beautiful face!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I know the last post was about Elizabeth being 6 months old, and how she is growing so fast, but today it really hit me. I suppose it had something to do with the fact I was packing all the clothes she doesn't fit anymore away along with some other things we used when she was a baby, but even more significant than that, today she produced her first piece of artwork, check it out.
Is not our baby the most wonderful and cleverest baby ever! I will admit she had a little help from her daddy, who opened the app in the iPad and let her play, but what a beautiful result. I think her choice of colours and the placement definitely shows how talented she is, the next Picasso maybe...?