Thursday, September 15, 2011

Totally Worth the Wait...

Every now and then we decide to have dinner after we put Elizabeth to bed at 7pm, this gives us an opportunity to linger over our meal and to catch up without any need to rush. The other night took this concept to a whole new level. My wonderful husband said that he wanted to spoil me and cook dinner and clean up as well, he wanted me to be a lady of leisure, so I told him that is fine if he wanted to get started after I put Elizabeth to bed, so he did.

He started pulling very random ingredients out of the cupboard and told me I was not allowed to ask what he was cooking. At first it looked like a risotto, but he still had ingredients left on the bench, try as I might I could not figure it out... Then suddenly it occurred to me, arancini.

At this stage the clock was reading close to 9:30pm, we had long been joking about being tired and hungry, however the funny side was rapidly being overtaken by real tiredness and hunger. It was pure relief to see the first batch hit the plate, and while standing at the bench while Ben was still cooking we started breaking into them. Oh, they were so delicious, delicious creamy risotto with a mozzarella centre with a beautiful crunchy coating, yep, definitely worth it.

Hanging Out the Washing

I know this might be hard to believe, but one of my favourite times of the day is hanging the washing on the line. Now dont get me wrong, it never used to be my favourite, but now that we have a beautiful and fun little girl that loves being outside, this potentially boring job becomes so exciting. Now a simple sheet becomes the best place to hide for a game of peek-a-boo and hearing Elizabeth sit and chat with the birds and other animals she sees, gladdens the heart. I guess I am just so fortunate to have lots of washing...

Friday, September 9, 2011

Hopefully this will mean we will be blogging a whole lot more!

Hi everyone, guess what. We've got the new blogger app for iPhone.

Now I don't usually endorse apps in a place like this but I had to blog about this one. Google's blogger app has come to iPhone. Now this means that we can blog about anything, wherever we are, when ever we want, as long as we've got the phone with us, which is like always.

So stay tunes for more blog posts from Love, Life and a little bit of mess!

Monday, September 5, 2011

We're Back!!

I know we have had a long and unexplained absence, so I hope you will forgive us for not writing, but we are back and ready to tell you all about our adventures from the last couple of weeks. I am going to break it up into 1 week blocks of the last 3 weeks, just so its easy to keep all the goings on straight.

Week 1
The first week away was spent in Perth. Ben attended a conference where  American theologian Scot McKnight was speaking. The conference was Monday and Tuesday, and while Ben was busy there I had an opportunity to spend some time with some friends and family which was great.

On Wednesday we ran errands and a few other jobs before things got really interesting on Wednesday night... We have been quite fortunate to get through the winter without any major colds or flus, but that all changed with Elizabeth getting quite a bad cold. Being away from home made things all a bit much for her, so the next few nights proved to be a bit of a challenge when it came to sleeping.

I ended up catching her cold, and it was at that stage I totally understood why she couldn't sleep, I was so congested that just trying to breathe made sleep nearly impossible. We stayed in Perth until Saturday as we had a few events to attend, the first being a goodbye party for our friend Alan, who has now headed off to Mozambique and the second an engagement party for our friends Tash and Dave.

Week 2
On return to Wagin, poor Ben had a sick and sorry wife and a sick and sorry daughter to take care of and while we tried to catch up on some sleep and focus on getting better we were also getting ready for the week to come, a week of training in Melbourne.

Week 3
We headed back to Perth on Saturday ready to fly out to Melbourne on Sunday morning. Elizabeth is becoming such a well seasoned traveller, this is her second flight to Melbourne, and she just loves flying and getting all the attention from the air hostesses. We were so blessed to be taken care of by some friends Richard and Maxine who took Elizabeth in as their honorary 7th grandchild.

The training we were in Melbourne to complete was like an induction course in preparation for heading to Mozambique. It was very helpful and we had such a great time making new friends and catching up with old ones. I think Elizabeth definitely enjoyed herself the most, being the only child on the course, she was very spoiled with willing arms to hold her at every opportunity.

We flew back to Perth on Friday night and arrived back home on Saturday. We are very glad to be home, although I think that now we are home Elizabeth may get a bit bored with only her mummy and daddy to play with, so I am thinking that we might start attending the local playgroup, but I will write more of that as it progresses. For now that is it, a very brief overview of the last few weeks.