Thursday, September 15, 2011

Totally Worth the Wait...

Every now and then we decide to have dinner after we put Elizabeth to bed at 7pm, this gives us an opportunity to linger over our meal and to catch up without any need to rush. The other night took this concept to a whole new level. My wonderful husband said that he wanted to spoil me and cook dinner and clean up as well, he wanted me to be a lady of leisure, so I told him that is fine if he wanted to get started after I put Elizabeth to bed, so he did.

He started pulling very random ingredients out of the cupboard and told me I was not allowed to ask what he was cooking. At first it looked like a risotto, but he still had ingredients left on the bench, try as I might I could not figure it out... Then suddenly it occurred to me, arancini.

At this stage the clock was reading close to 9:30pm, we had long been joking about being tired and hungry, however the funny side was rapidly being overtaken by real tiredness and hunger. It was pure relief to see the first batch hit the plate, and while standing at the bench while Ben was still cooking we started breaking into them. Oh, they were so delicious, delicious creamy risotto with a mozzarella centre with a beautiful crunchy coating, yep, definitely worth it.


  1. Hi beautiful peoples with a beautiful little girl. Can't half tell that you are proud parents when the only thing on your blog is Elizabeth! Wonderful :D

    So you doing well and still planning to head to Africa? Must be a call from God! Hope you are doing well and the good Baptist folk of Wagin are also doing well.

    When I saw your URL I thought, now this will be a dodgy site: one's love-life can often be a little messy; I am glad you have the comma in the title :D

  2. That was me - Michael O - by the way...
