Sunday, October 9, 2011

Church Breakfast, more than a novel idea.

During the month of September Wagin Baptist has been having breakfast together. Breakfasts would start at 9am followed by the church service at 10:30am each Sunday morning. These breakfasts were put on by the leadership of the Church for everyone who came to church on a Sunday morning. 
Each week the turnout was great with practically everyone who was coming to church coming to the breakfasts as well. 
The Church made good use of the new BBQ over the month cooking sausages, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, and tomatoes. Also to go with our cooked breakfasts we had toast, cereal, fruit salad, a lovely muesli mix, and breakfast muffins. 
The Church really enjoyed the breakfasts and there has even been the suggestion of making it more regular or at least a seasonal tradition. One of the great positives of these breakfasts has been the fellowship that has been enjoyed each Sunday. 
So often we rock up to church just before it starts, take our place in the pew, not really talking to anyone. And when the service starts we all sit not interacting, singing and listening in our own little box. And then when the service finishes we either quickly drink our cuppa and eat our biscuit or rush off and get church business sorted for the next week. 
What these breakfasts before the service have achieved is incredible. You can feel the real community spirit at these breakfasts and then that also overflows into the church service. I was leading the the first Sunday, and besides the fact that no one was late, the singing almost blew the roof off. Everyone was singing with one voice. 
It seems that church is more than a rock up, sit, listen, go home event. These breakfasts confirm the fact that Church is a community of people that live like a community, in community with each other and with our King Jesus. I think Jesus may have been onto something when he described the end of time as a feast. I think being a part of these breakfast here in Wagin has helped me better understand that grand feast that we will all sit down to when our Lord returns.

Mr Chef with the new bbq

Thanking God for the food

It's almost ready
Ok now time to line up and enjoy

Cereal anyone?

I forgot to mention we also had a communion feast as well

A great time to enjoy good food and great company

1 comment:

  1. Great idea. (Did you really post this at 4:12 am?)
    Just might have to follow your example with our own fellowship.
